I want to write and tell stories.

Monday, June 19, 2006

V-Day Update

Well, that was fun. So, how has it been going I hear you ask? Well I thought rather than write a long boring blog entry on it, I would provide you with a visual journey of my last few days.

First off was this…….

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I thought it went well.

Got lots of ….

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Which put me in a nice….

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state of mind.

Afterwards I applied the ever faithful….

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Baby peas were on special…..no conjecture allowed.

Again, going well, but then …

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morphed to……

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And I started to feel like I had been…

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Or by …

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Or this…

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I must say at this stage, I can normally stand a fair amount of pain. When younger, I woke up the morning after a bit of a kick to the hand at karate and went to my father asking if maybe I should see a doctor. I then showed him my finger, which closely resembled…

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So, I think I have the pain thing covered. Anyway, after lying around for a few days like this…

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And taking lots of ……

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I am starting to feel better. I could not complete the second week of the 14DSP due to this handicap, as I could not sit for long, and no way anything with the word lap was getting anywhere near my lap. Next week I am by myself so I am doing my own 7DSP programme. Yeay me.

Hope everyone is well.
PS 12 photos at 1000 words per photo...a 12000 word plus post......not bad! :)


At 6:33 am, Blogger Chris Parr (ukscriptwriter) said...

Couldn't work out what you were going on about there (I'm a bit slow sometimes). But then I saw a picture of two cherries followed by two baseballs.

Feel for you dude ;|

Chin up :)

At 10:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least you are well enough to blog, thats all that counts

At 12:46 am, Blogger Cunningham said...

Kids today, Sheesh! You kids have it too good I tell ya.

Quit being such a cry-baby. When I was a young man every day we had to walk two miles in the snow to get our nards kicked - twice! And we liked it! That was in the summer to boot! I can't tell you how hard it was in the winter! Where do you think the term "blue-balls" came from?

Then there was the time they cut my head clean off with the rusty garden shears! Took 'em five hours to suture it back on with me screaming the whole time!

So you listen to your mom when she says don't run in the house with sharp objects like shears, or broken glass or chainsaws.

That reminds me of the time...

At 8:36 am, Blogger writergurl said...

Hope you're feeling better! I can't empathize but I can (and do) sympathize, I hate being in pain.

At 5:20 pm, Blogger mernitman said...

Ouch... and Ow... and it goes to show that come hell or low surgery, a writer writes.

Hope you've mended well and that the drugs were really good.


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