I want to write and tell stories.

Friday, February 02, 2007

The F Words

Floods and Flu.

Not great seperately, they SUCK when together. Stuck in Cairns, can't drive to Townsville, so jumping on a flight tomorrow at lunchtime, 55mins later touchdown.

Had fun yesterday around Tully, when I could not make it through(police with guns can be persuasive, who'd have thought?) coming back to Mission Beach was interesting. Had to follow a semi's backside through the water just to make it. This is the MAIN highway up here as well, not some two bit back road....then again.......... :)

The reason they suck, they are cutting into my planned writing weekend.

Mainlining Panadol so the head is clearing which is a positive.

Take care.
PS James, got your email, been without internet for two days now, will respond soon. Good to see the prison sentence was reduced.......I can make up more stories if you like ..... or you could blog about your good news here (http://screenwriting101.blogspot.com/ remember that place) if you like :) Yes, Queenslanders are bastards :)


At 2:30 am, Blogger Dave Olden said...

We don't have flooding here, however they have been predicting THE BIG ONE (Quake). We're over 1000 miles north of LA, but the prediction doesn't care. (Let us hope the prediction outlives the actual quake...)

I do, however, have a cold that seems to aspire to be a flu one day. So, I feel for ya, man. Lots o' liquids, yada yada... you know the drill. :)

Get well soon, and stay dry.

Dave O

At 2:23 pm, Blogger Enzio Pesta said...

I have family in Brisbane. Really. Lots of Italians there.

My parents decided to immigrate to Canada instead. I could have been your neighbour. I'm sure you're happy that didn't happen once you read my blog.

At 9:04 pm, Blogger Grubber said...

Dave, been through one very small shaker a number of years ago....bloody scary let alone a full scale monster.

Feeling better though! :)

Enzio, I have read your blog and you would be a great neighbour......we could hang shit on each other till the cows came home, then drink more beer and hang more shit. Finally you would bring out the Chianti and I would then have to retire. Not before I ate all your lamb though.

There are lots of Italians here, we are trying to remedy that, but they wont let us import what we need.

You should be proud of your parents and happy with their decision, it cost me a lot of money.

PS another post coming soon where you will hear about the story about pooperman and his eagle nemisis. It's quite cool.


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