I want to write and tell stories.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Great Story

I was reading Lee's blog, The Light, It Hurts (being in the UK, I can understand why sunshine hurts :) ) anyway, came across this story of a guy called Craig Robbins who loved a comedy series called Joking Apart, that ran for two seasons back in the early 90's so much he went and got himself the rights to distribute it on DVD. The series is about a comedy writer for TV whose marriage falls apart and he does not cope well with it.

He cut the DVD, with extras(!!) and has just released it the other day. Fantastic story, and hopefully it will be a success for him. I have not seen the series myself, but it sounds very funny, and I am going to try and get my hands on a copy. A more indepth rendition of the whole story here .

Website for the DVD is here .


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The clock is ticking.........

We've all heard about it, cursed it, praised it, cried into our pillows thinking about it, and realised it is not a bad idea.

Matt at The Daily Pitch is organizing it. Yes, he most probably does push little children off their bikes for pleasure, there could also be a few babies missing their candy, but he is the organisor of this little fun two week hell hole. :) So big thanks to Matt for it. I may be able to do it this time, and will certainly try. Work and beers permitting.

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Think about it, the guys down the mine, if they had a laptop, FD or MMS, they could have written the movie whilst they were down there. Easy! :)



Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Calling Casting Directors

So there is talk of a movie on the Beaconsfield Mine Accident, which is not unusual, I think it could be quite a good movie myself.

My question is, which Aussie actors would you cast as these two?

I am having a hard time coming up with anyone suitable.
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So far I can only think of Dave O'Neil(comedian) for Brant Webb(on the right),

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and either Aaron Jeffrey (actor), or William McInnes(actor) for Todd Russell.

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Any other suggestions???



Friday, May 19, 2006

Is someone is moonlighting????

Saw this over at Pink is the New Blog......

Britney Spear's new bodyguard. Pic of him below..

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One more for good luck...that's him on the right.

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My question is, is Bill Campbell moonlighting in disguise??

You be the judge...

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Have a good weekend, hope the writing comes easy!

He looked familiar.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Well it only took 1 day.


Below is a picture showing who really rescued the miners in Beaconsfield.


I take my hardhat off for this one.



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Nothing more to say on this one.



Tuesday, May 09, 2006

One for the Road......

Yum, Yum, Rum, Rum......here is a nice twist to a horror story :)

Secret ingredient a bit rum
From correspondents in Budapest05-05-2006
From: Reuters

HUNGARIAN builders who drank their way to the bottom of a huge barrel of rum while renovating a house got a nasty surprise when a pickled corpse tumbled out of the empty barrel, a police magazine website reported.

According to online magazine www.zsaru.hu, workers in Szeged in the south of Hungary tried to move the barrel after they had drained it, only to find it was surprisingly heavy and were shocked when the body of a naked man fell out.

The website said that the body of the man had been shipped back from Jamaica 20 years ago by his wife in the barrel of rum in order to avoid the cost and paperwork of an official return.

According to the website, workers said the rum in the 300-litre barrel had a "special taste" so they even decanted a few bottles of the liquor to take home.

The wife has since died and the man was buried in a proper grave.

They're Out!!!!!!!!

They walked out this morning looking pretty bloody good. Great news for them and their families.

They should even be able to attend the funeral of the bloke, Larry Knight who was killed in the collapse.

Read more here


This guys story would be interesting as well.



Friday, May 05, 2006

Safe from the Jihad

You can all relax now....breath a sigh of relief and all that.

George Bush has instituted a crack A-SuperNinja-Superfast-Anti-Jihad Rapid Response Team of professionals.

Below is one of the members.

Ladies, he is apparently taken, so you will just have to be disappointed.

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Trained on PS2 Socom, Ghost Recon and a master at Battlefield 2.

Enjoy your security.




So, Richard at Scriptweaver wants us to post pictures of people of the same sex we would sleep with. Craziest request so far, but funny nevertheless.

Here's mine.

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Yes, it is a guy, closest I would go! :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

This gets me right where it hurts.....

Poor buggers, don't know how they will be able to live with themselves.

I reckon John Rogers might have to take up a collection for these poor suffering actors.


Film star salaries lose shine
From correspondents in Los Angeles04-05-2006
From: Reuters

POOR Jim Carrey. His movies have raked in nearly $US2 billion ($2.6 billion) at box offices, but now a leading entertainment magazine says the comedian's asking price of $US25 million a film has become "a bit of a gamble".In its issue out this week, Entertainment Weekly magazine rates top stars on whether they are worth the money.

Among those whose asking prices have become too high are Carrey, Australian actor Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell and Eddie Murphy, the magazine says.

It says that after years of ever-rising star salaries, the prices for top talent are now coming down because the cost of making movies is going up, among other issues.

"It's long overdue," former Twentieth Century Fox chairman Bill Mechanic told the magazine.
Entertainment Weekly quoted several studio executives as saying the rising cost of production has led many stars to take large parts of their fees from revenue and profit participation that may never materialise if films flop at box offices.

Carrey, star of hits such as Bruce Almighty, had been a big beneficiary of the 1990s' salary run-up during which he saw his pay cheque hit the $US25 million mark.

However, his recent big-budget movies such as Fun with Dick and Jane barely topped $US100 million in domestic ticket sales, leaving his star tarnished, the magazine says.
Carrey's not the only one. Kidman is considered a risky bet after the box office failure of Bewitched and The Stepford Wives among other recent films.

Will Ferrell's $US20 million also made the list of risky bets given recent box office disappointments and Eddie Murphy's $20 million was considered downright "too pricey."
But Tom Hanks' $US25 million was thought to be "worth every penny" because he remains "one of the most bankable brand names in the world."

Oscar nominee Jake Gyllenhaal, at $US5 million to $US7 million a picture, and Rachel McAdams, at $US3 million to $US4 million, were bargains.



You aren't going to get us all cracked up on Olaf the Legend and then cut off our supply!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Vince DC for noticing this.

Someone in the UK track him down and force him back to the keyboard.......

My God........has Trixie kidnapped him and deleleted all record of his existence?

That is a truly evil character!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Aussie Humour

These guys are trapped about a kilometre underground after an earthquake brought down sections of the mine. It was 5 days before they were found to be alive. It is going to take at least another 2 days to get them out. They are still there as I type this.


Where's the humour?

One of the things one of them asked for was a newspaper, Saturday's paper to be exact.


He wanted to look for another job.........

Can't argue with that logic.

I wonder how long 'til someone buys the rights to the story off them(and they deserve it for surviving.....and I hope the family of the bloke who died gets some as well)

What music would you want on your ipod if you were entombed underground?


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