I want to write and tell stories.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What Ending?

There I was sitting in bed on Fathers Day, eating breakfast.

By myself.

See, the kids were all excited to bring breakfast to Dad, but that does not include hanging around. There are cartoons to be reviewed!!!

My wife is making a headstart on the dishes so we can get going fairly early and go look at some land she would love to build a house on. So would I, but I think our Bank Manager will require some sort of sexual favour. Honey?


So, there I am alone, enjoying the scrumptious buffet laid on, and obviously my thoughts turn to my screenplay, there is a treatment of sorts, it is sort of to the left side of the front lobe of my brain, which explains the bulge somewhat. I am mulling over everything, and going yep, change this, change that, expand on that, etc. etc.. getting right through to my big finale.

Oops, now I have added a wayward nuclear bomb along the way (you need a nuclear bomb to match those cool nuclear bomb one liners, only kidding, stop swearing, but yes, there is a nuclear bomb, but for what I think is a good reason, doesn't every Rom/Com need a nuclear bomb?), anyway, it struck me, my ending is no longer my ending, I cannot possibly finish the script there...it has to be lengthened by some, I am not sure how much at the moment, probably not that much, but it really showed me how by adding one thing, you have to make sure you go over every detail, and not just get to the end.

That is one of the things I love about writing, especially screenplays, coming up with solutions to these types of problems, I love this sort of challenge.



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